Sunday, March 05, 2006

Actress before Screenwriting?

Does the crew over at SAG have blackmail against the producer of the Oscars? How is it that the actor and actress awards are given out before screenplay?

Reese is so cute...Im looking forward to this speech. And Felicity looked pretty damn magnanimous in her loss.

Thank you Voice-Over Man for another fascinating factoid about Reese Witherspoon's upbringing. Who decided that he should say this crap?

You know, thinking about it, I think Reese's performance depending a whole lot on Phoenix's. And I think that clip showed it. But whatever, I'm happy for her. Good job Reese. I'd say I'm pissed for Dame Judi Dench, but she already has enough awards and stuff. She'll live.

And she's a dame. She doesn't need an Oscar. They keep showing Ryan Witherspoon for his reaction shots. Poor guy, who would have thought back in the days of Cruel Intentions that he would always be the less-talented person in that marriage.

I'm not sure, but I think I saw Reese Witherspoon's chin used as weapon on Battlebots once.


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