Sunday, March 05, 2006

Film Editing

How is it pronounced Zooey? Where is the o or the u in that first name? It's spelled Ziyi. Cmon! Anglicize, bitch!

At this point, I think everyone is just biding their time until the big awards. So I'll take this time to thank all the commenters out there from TTO. And the goofball anonymous guy who thinks that I am king. Thanks, Dad.

And thanks to Stork and Crocker for reading and watching. This is like an acceptance speech, but not as long and it has a point.

I want to shout to Ian for the Edgar Martinez reference.

And to Ben. Thanks for keeping us company. And your fetish for pregnant women is just disgusting. But hey, I'm just glad I don't have to compete with you for Ms. Alba's attention.


At 10:59 PM, Blogger Opinion8ed said...

Jennifer Garner is fabulously attractive and Alba needs to eat more.

At 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think the background music during the acceptance speeches is really annoying?


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