Sunday, March 05, 2006

Documentary Short and Documentary Long

Gavin is so lucky. How did he know that a movie about some dude named Norman Corwin would beat a movie about Rwanda. CMON! It's RWANDA!

There's Charlize in her ugly dress again. And I'll be so disappointed when March of the Penguins wins...because it sucked.

And why is she wearing a beehive? I don't understand.

Stupid penguins. My dad says that they are all ventriloquists and that they are all puppets. And that French dude just one-upped the costume designer...he thanked ALL the children in the world, not just the Japanese children.

Actually, they thanked just the children who saw the movie. The other ones? They can go to hell.

Here comes J-Lo and her posterior.


At 9:32 PM, Blogger Opinion8ed said...

Do you have a listing of the pool picks somewhere?


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